The Modern Magazine conference was held by Jeremy Leslie, the editor of MagCulture set in London.
The conference discussed the ideas of 'The New Normal' an idea coined by Cathy Bates, is about how print and digital can work together. How both relay on aspects of the other, in this new age they both need to combine to sell and work in harmony as print is not dead. Although there was many different theories on how print would die in the new digital age this hasn't happened, people and business still relay on actual physically printed magazine to reach a new audience. The idea that print would die came from the theory that people could just read articles and magazine on their smartphone/tablets, these are smaller, easier to carry, quicker to search and handier for its audience.
The age of the iPad would kill off magazine printing, in the new digital era you can subscribe for magazines then have them instantly at your finger tips rather than have to carry a physical copy. The idea relates to how the generations these days are inseparable from there smart phones along with how the way many relay on their phones in a way that is growing, people becoming attached to their devices in a way never seen before. The internet allows people to post whatever they want whenever while they can receive information on any subject straight away without needing anything actually printed, this takes away the need for books or libraries reducing the printing business even less causing a world that relates solely on the internet and digital produces.
The age of the iPad would take over, there was millions of pounds put into this idea that just didn't take off. It relay on the idea that people love easy and handy over quality, they want something they can read whenever over something they can physically touch, highlight or annotate but this just wasnt the case.
'A survey in April by Deloitte found that 88% of magazine readers in the UK still prefer to consume articles via print. While half of respondents to its state-of-the-media survey (2,276 UK consumers, aged 14 to 75) owned a smartphone, 35% subscribed to at least one printed magazine in 2011.'
These stats reflect this idea, that people need article via newspaper or magazine rather than just off a screen, this may be for many different reasons but is proven by the survey.
Digital maybe need to advertise or sell magazine but the general public still prefer print, maybe online stores or companies still use magazine as a way off advertising their products, Take ASOS for example. This is successful completely online shop, where after you buy something online it signs the customer up automatically for the monthly style magazine. They send you a amazingly designed modern magazines they shows you their products along with articles about the trends they are following the celebrates that are wearing their clothes.
"For online brands, print is a neat way of gaining extra marketing attention and boosting their community, even if there's no money in it," says David Rowan
Sending out this free copy gives its customer a way to actually look at their new work/products without having to google/search it, its shown to them in a way thats the company intends and displayed to appeal for the audience, its a print way of advertising that gives the audience something back. Intrigues they by using print, changing the way prints use rather than for just informative design but for advertising, they are adapting to how people in the Digital era still love print. They are using traditional media to refresh the parts of their business model that other solutions can't reach.
Print is more engaging, it speaks to people on a different level that digital people will read longer articles in print that they will digital. This is because it hurts your eyes less, it feel healthier as well, theres less distractions/other information to be distracted by but also just because its nicer and more enjoyable to read. Because of this is isn't dead.
“It’s easier than ever before to start a magazine. But it’s still pretty challenging to keep one going past its first year. Even more so as more and more amazing magazines hit the stands." Ruth Jamieson, Author of 'Print is dead, Long Live Print'
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New independent magazines are seen as the savours of the print media, the idea that simple new indie magazines that can be created by anyone then published has rebirthed print. For students to enuthias anyone who wants can now create a magazine, its easier now with digital media too make one. This links to the idea that print relays on digital, its needed to save its in a way that contradict its being its main downfall. Digital editing has created way to modernise magazine design, make it more appealing yet then allowing it to die out. The technology that exists allows amazing unique styles to be created but because of how easy this now is its causing them to be overlooked, the most amazing magazines could be created but never noticed if they cat get recognised. Its surfing through the rubbish to find the worth while magazines. Starting and designing a magazine is easy but getting advertising and getting funding is harder, you need to stand out more because there more competition, compete more with different companies in a way classic magazines never had too.
The Modern Magazine
Print is Dead, Long Live Print
We Love Magazines
People of Print Mag
ANAYLSE - Indie Mag, Mushpit
- Is print dying? why?
- Newspapers via the internet/ the age of the ipad
- Independent Magazines
- Other uses
Is print dying in the new digital age or is becoming more popular?
How is it used in the new age? How does it change?
The rise and success of indie magazines, how they are create and how they sell.
The link between digital and print, how its combined together or how its used in the new age to survive