Wednesday, 27 January 2016

COP - Practical Work - Magazine Research

Magazine Research

For this brief research has been conducted into different types and brand of indie magazine, indie magazine are generally small press, a book or magazine publisher whose publications appeal to small, niche audiences, and are typically not distributed widely. Since magazine design has been made easier now due to the digital age just about anyone can create a magazine. ‘One reason is that it's really easy to publish your own magazine now’ ‘If you have the idea then there are loads of free, or relatively cheap, tools to make it with.(Orr, 2015) is a quote used in the essay stating how easily this process now is in the new digital age, the essay discusses how print is now being used to promote the raise of these magazine for a more specialised market. Due to this influence in the essay for the document being created for the brief as combination of print and digital media piece, indie magazine have been selected. 

For the cover magazine will need to be picked that give artistic freedom for the cover, use editorial design in a more interesting way compare to the usual basic magazine cover (text heavy, celebrity style magazine). These magazine will need to be differently design covers, they will need to show how these styles can work for range of designs and how these style can be applied to this style of magazine and the rise in this print industry.

online research

-the gentle woman

-25 magazine
-justified magazine
-IDN magazine
-beautiful decay
-theo mass times
-creative review

-maker magazine
-carousel magazine

-creative future

-BITE magazine

-no thoughts
-its nice that
-little joe
-sang blue
-little white lies

-boat magazine
-another escape
-stay wild

-side tracked
-swallow magazine 

-the outpost
-the ride journal

Magazines in the library

For more research into magazine, primary research into the style of magazine and how they use print for the cover i visited the library at uni, this holds a collection of art inspired and creative magazine. These will be of a creative nature and reflect art so this style of magazine might fit the brief better.


art review

love club






design history

oh comely


eye magazine 


printed pages

british journal of photography





Friday, 22 January 2016

COP - Practical Work - Crit

Crit Feedback 

As i now have a basic idea of what i will create for this brief  there is a crit set up the help use get feedback, this will allow me to see what people think of the idea of combining the style f media to create magazine covers. This is the design sketch for the idea that showed to the crit group, it explains the idea i had for which covers to currently us, the gentlewoman letterpressed and eye magazine mono printed. This will allow me to get feedback on other print method i can use, other magazine i can do, how many magazine cover i should create and any other feedback,


Summary -

The over all feedback that is that i should do 3 magazine covers using3 different print techniques, the other style i should experiment with is creating a print using screen print. its been suggest that to find which magazine i do i should visit the college library, they see if any of the cover fit this style of working, its also been stated to me that Facebook and social media like instragam will be a good way to find magazine, this is as if i search for eye magazine it will show me simialir suggestions as well, these will be artistic magazine or magazine about art that will give me free designs with the cover so i can showcase screen print in the best way possible. 
Make rue that i don't over complicate the cover, keep it simple to the print technique can be sen for the best of its ability. The aim is to create magazine that relict prig technique  need to make sure i don't make to many so that the theme is lost, 3 is about right so the different style can be seen but also that the design of the magazine can take longer so the final outcome has a better combination.

Magazines suggested -
oh comely
V magazine
Creative review

Thursday, 21 January 2016

COP - Practical Work - Developed Idea

Developed Idea

'new digital media has added to the creative and design functions of the magazines'
'Leslie discusses here how we don’t need to compare digital and print but see them both as separate tools, they both have different areas which they are better in and succeed'

Quotes from the essay the practical work is helping to prove

After creating 4 main ideas for this brief to fit with the concept of the essay, Digital media and print media work best in combination and relay heavy one each other and the role of print in the current digital age is mostly for indie magazine and to enhance design features/art. Print engages with people on a different level to digital, therefore people prefer to read in this style even if digital is easier to access.To create a piece of practical work that shows the benefits of print and the benefits of digital the best way would be to combine them in piece of design that allow them to show the differences and positives. For example the piece could reflect that screen printing allows the designer to use fluorescent ink, heat changing ink, metallic inks  which cannot be done using digital as these colours can't be copied but digital allows for accurate photography's to be pro due where print struggles.

The work need to show both techniques and why they were use, for this as the essay mentions the importance indie magazine and the raise of them since people could produce magazine easier using digital but the role of print is to produce them, these magazine will be bought of their ascetically qualities of print but the perfect layout of digital design. Since the magazine link the style together and rely on them both to be success this would the subject for the design.

Printing covers of existing indie magazines using different print techniques combined with digital design and digital fathers will show how both these medias need each other to produce the most positive outcomes. They will use the benefits of manual print combined with the benefits of digital to create the covers which link tot the conclusion of the essay.


The covers will be redesigns of existing indie magazine follow a more artistic style of design, rather than the usually 'glam mags'  as the magazines of this style have target audience of creatives. This demographic will be absorbed by and appreciate the print techniques more, this is  as they will have some background knowledge of production time  and effort taken whilst be more responsive to the print outcome effect.  This will also give me more creative freedom with the design due to way the audience will engage with the cover, creative will look for a cover thats more design forward. This will also allow the design styles to be influenced by the benefits of the print styles, the benefits of the print styles can be the defining features of the covers and the limitation of the print styles can be accounted for .The covers will can be more about the design/look rather than the content in this case for this type of magazine due to the target demographic, the design aspect will be vital to the sucres of the magazines.

For research into this style of magazine will visit the village book store in leeds, collect data about their best selling magazine, this will allow me to study this magazine and analyse how the print is used and effect the successfulness of the product, to see if the website has a digital version of the magazine or if this is created for print and how this effect the design. I will also ask people for their independent magazine interests and why they are interested in them, this will explain why this market is rising in the new digital age. Seeing the range of magazine available  will show how print is still 'alive' in the digital age and is see to promote less needed products more more wanted, its become more of a benefit that a necessity for communication now.
-visit the village book store
-ask people for their favourite/interest in magazines, why
-visit library

Research into a selection of different print techniques and their benefits will also be conducted to ensure that the covers take advantage of these feature in the production of the covers. Using a range of techniques and how they are produced will be done to ensure that all the available materials/facilities are taken use to complement the final outcomes purpose and overall quality.
-research techniques could be used
-research benefits of digital
-research benefits of print
-research method i can use
-research why artists use either style