-practical use
-asetheical use
-print media vs digital media
-print combined with digital
-benefits/downfalls of both
-responses to both (which do people prefer)
-magazine design
-social media influences
For this brief we need to create pratactical work that links to our essay question and essay, since i have selected the print question i aim to use different styles of print techniques to experiment with and maybe final produce something. This is being i feel the only way i will learn first hand the benefits and negative of these techniques is if i create them, if i take part in the process in someway i will bee if the final outcomes are worth the time/effort it takes to make the. It is said that digital design is easier, quicker and bore flexible, experiment with the print techniques will allow me to see if this is the case and form my own opinion.
Idea 1
This idea relays more on peoples opinions and getting feedback for an audience as the final outcome, there will be two document that are endemically in design but produced different ways then the audience has to review each one. The audience will be filmed reviewing the products for the final outcome then this will be used as data as part of the essay. The document will be a piece of design that is tun created using photoshop/illustrator digital or photography or any digital design features compere next to the same basic design that has been create using mono print, letterpress, filing ect. Both designs will have the content, style and layout to make sure its the design features of print that influence the viewer not the other features. It will use the best features of each media to the best they can then compare them to see which the general public prefer, to record why they think that and they think the beneficial features are of each piece.
For this brief the aim is is to show how digital media and be used in combination with manual print styles to produce the best outcome, how each different style can effect the design to enhance the aspect of the final outcome in different ways. this could be done in the from of a
The design would then use both styles to show how they can edited and work together, for example a mono print could be edited digitally to change the colours, digital imagery could be screen printed, failed/issues with prints can be fix via CAD, foiling can be done. This will show the audience how both need each other to succeed, the final outcome could be produce both as a digital file and as a physical print.
as the article mentioned and isles magazine this would probably be the most suitable for the brief as it has more links.
Idea 3
Produce 5 different piece of design (magazine covers), design them digitally then use the different manually print method to try and print the same design. Each piece will only use one print technique but have the same layout/design but will highlight the falls and benefits of each style. The design will have to be simple to be created for each print technique, for example letter press specialises in letter where as mono print is usually shapes, the design will have to include both to show the difference. This idea will showcase which style of print works bet for each part of the design and which works worse. Then the 5 covers can be compared to analyse the use of print as away to produce digitally created design when the are compare to the original digital design. For each print it will be timed to make, clean ext and the the cost will be record along with how many different issues there are with the final piece. this will work for directly allowing the techniques to be evenly compared.
Using the same design will allow each piece to evenly show the results of how versatile each technique is, it will show how certain technique can only be used for elected part of designs. This idea compare the different styles of print rather as well as print vs digital as it will show the downside for each techies compare to digital.

Idea 4
Some current digital styles are created with effect that give filters or effect that produce work that imitates print styles, photoshop allows that audience to add effect to photography to imitate painting, illustrator has text effect that reflect letter press. This software allow the audience to see the effect of the printing without having to take the time to do it. At the moment snap chat has become increasing popular and apps are taking over the work (or so it seems) as everyone now has a smart phone. this idea is to create a app for designers that using digital media to turn any work they would like into the style of a print technique. this software will show people in the digital age still prefer digital print effect but uses the benefits of digital media which is fast and easier to use. it combines the benefits of print (the final effect on the outcome) with the easy access and fast ability of the new digital media. It will use a effect like the snap chat filters but for text, imagery and design to show designer how their outcome would look if it had been produce manually without the time aspect. This idea will mean me having to find out the different effect of the different techniques and how i would apply this to any form of work, create different documents in the different print forms to see the effect that print has that differs for digital design.
'idea 4 is good as it lest you explore rather than wasting time, it can have some altering sizes/colour feature which would save time, but manual usually rely to them stand out as the texture would be lost'
'print is a lot about the process and make the piece and having something that you created, if it asked people who hadn't made the piece they couldn't relate to that (idea 2)'
'Would the idea 4 work for CKMY? or RGB would it have issues being transferred'
'would print professional/print studios be used less if designers could see the effect this easily, like would it put people out of the job (idea 4)'
'idea 1 seem more like a piece of research and would be rather hard to find people who could be unbias'
'it would be very hard to get feedback off an audience, they may fee they have to pick the print due to they not it be there physically
'as a designer the benefits of
'Good strong concept, would allow detailed opinions on the topic area.'
'Much more informative than doing a questionnaire as ideas can be sometimes misconceived.'
'The consumer may feel pressured into a directed outcome as the mac present may subconsciously suggest a preference to the digital response'.
'This approach appears far more interesting than that of a questionnaire as they often appear dull and uninteresting (idea 1).'
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