Monday, 31 October 2016

COP2 - Defining the Essay Question/ Essay Question Ideas

Defining the Question

research question ideas 

 1)How does advertising target genders?/How is advertising design around the gender of the consumer?/How does advertising reinforce gender stereotypes? The ethics of gender stereotyping in adverts.The ethics/effectivity of gender targeting in advertising.
focus - gender, advertising, culture

The effectivity of gender targeting in advertising. Society/Advertising. Viability, there is wide range of books/articles/academic sources available for this subject area as its currently a vey popular social issue. There is a range of different areas to study, how gender advertising uses techniques to target the intended audience, how this works, if its effective, if it ethical, if its reinforcing gender roles. Research can be done via book research into the theories, via the Internet articles on how it works, where its used and hows it use, via surveys and fact of the effectively or how it sell products ,and opinions of professionals/professors. It studied via the media of research/survey results and sells stats, opinions of the audience as well as to see how people react/work against it. 

design problem - how can brand use gender advertising to sell its products? can an item be sold successfully without gender bias advertising? can the same product be sold to different gender via the advertising? A company needs to sell a masculine produce to females or a male product to women, how would this best be done. The client needs will be the product need to either reinforce or work against current gender roles and appeal to the audience using theories found in the research, found how to advertise a typically male item to females and how this can be done. Gener need to eb the ain focus.  

viability -

Gender Advertisements / Erving Goffman
Gender and the Media / Rosalind Gill
Advertising cultures: gender, commerce and creativity / Sean Nixon
Gender & utopia in advertising / Manca Luigi

2) The ethics of charity advertising. How relevant is the charity advertising in new media? How effective are charity advertising techniques? How does charity advertising effect the audiences? The relevance and effectivity of charity advertising in modern day society.
focus - advertising, ethics, culture

viability - Charity Case: How the Nonprofit Community Can Stand Up for Itself and Really Change the World / Palotta, Dan
The Questionable Methods of Charity Advertising / Hannah Martin-Singh
Persuasion in advertising. / O'Shaughnessy, John & O'Shaughnessy, Nicholas
Goodvertising: creative advertising that cares. / Kolster, Thomas (2012) emotional-fundraising

3) The ethics of sex and sexuality in advertising. 

 does sex sell? does advertising need to relay on sex to sell? is it ethical to use sexual desire to sell?its appropriate for the younger audeince? what makes adverts get banned/complaint? where the lien of suitability? why are women used to sell beer/cars ect? what effect does this give young women? does the sexual use make set a bad example?
focus - gender, advertising, ethics, sex


research books -
  • Buy this book studies in advertising and consumption
  • Sex appeal the art of allure in graphic and advertising design 
  • Persuasive advertising evidence based principles 
  • Persuasion in advertising
  • Hidden Persuaders 

'The ethics and appropriation of the use of sex and sexuality in advertising'

Monday, 24 October 2016

COP2 ESSAY- Study Task 2 - Parody and Pastiche

Parody and Pastiche

Pastiche definition - an artistic work in a style that imitates that of another work, artist, or period.
Parody definition- an imitation of the style of a particular writer, artist, or genre with deliberate exaggeration for comic effect.

What is being discussed in each text?
Jameson - the link between pastiche and parody
Hutcheons - main features that distinguishes postmodernism from modernism

What is Jameson's definition of parody and pastiche? Quote? 

Parody is 'the imitation of a peculiar or unique idiosyncratic style, the wearing of a linguistic mask, speech in a dead language.' Pastiche is 'Is a neutral practise of such mimicry, without any of parody’s ulterior motives, amputates of the satiric impulses, devoid of laughter and of any conviction'

What is Hutcheon's definition of parody and how does this relate to Jameson's definitions? Quotes?
Hutcheon's thinks pastiche is parody, "Parody—often called ironic quotation, pastiche, appropriation, or intertextuality' this contradicts Jameson's view as this means that there is no difference between the subjects but that pastiche is as much parody as parody is,  rather that a neutral practise but the form itself.
What is Hutcheon's criticism of Jameson?
Hutcheon criticized views on postmodernism as he says its without principles things can serious only humous as parody is humous but pastiche is not.

What are Jameson's and Hutcheon's positions on Modernism and Postmodernism?
Jameson views are that modernism is the most important, where as postmodernism is disrespectful to art of the past and a collection of the past's work. Whereas Hutcheon's views are that rereading of the past can incorporate, absorb and use the past therefore  postmodernism is the most important

'Write a 300 word summary of parody and pastiche according to Jameson and Hutcheon including quotes and referenced in the Harvard style. Your summary must also demonstrate how these theories relate to at least 2 examples of graphic design (1 from the session and at least 1 sourced by yourself).'

The definitions of Parody and pastiche in postmodern design are subject to opinions by different Authors. Two of the main Authors who discuss these the subjects in detail in their work are Linda Hutcheon in ‘The Politics of Postmodernism: Parody and History’ and Frederic Jameson in ‘Postmodernism’ , who both have different definitions for pastiche. Jameson preserves
Parody as 'the imitation of a peculiar or unique idiosyncratic style, the wearing of a linguistic mask, speech in a dead language.'(Jameson 1990) and Pastiche as ' a neutral practice of such mimicry, without any of parody’s ulterior motives, amputates of the satiric impulses, devoid of laughter and of any conviction' (Jameson 1990), Jameson sees pastiches as a form of parody but without any political influences, hidden ideas, humor or conviction, in his ideology parody can become pastiche. For example Stranger and Stranger, Alcohol bottle branding which are based around pastiche of old cigarette box designs , would be pastiche as there’s not humor or hidden meaning in this design but its created to reflect a certain design style from a selected time, therefore this is pastiche not parody in his view. 

1950's cigarets box designs 

Stranger and stranger bottle designs 

This contradicted by Linda Hutcheon's view of pastiche as parody, "Parody—often called ironic quotation, pastiche, appropriation, or intertextuality', (Hutcheon 1987) she states that parody is some called pastiche but is indeed the same thing, this contradicts Jameson's view as this means that there is no difference between the subjects but that pastiche is as much parody as parody is, rather than a neutral practice but the form itself. This is show via the poster designed for V for Vendetta a political activist film, this films uses imagery/style from the same style of design as propaganda posters, they’ve used these style in postmodern   design tor relate, Jameson would see this as parody due to the way it relate to political motives whereas Hutcheson would see if as both pastiche as well as parody.

propaganda posters

 V for Vendetta Movie Poster 


Hutcheon, L. (1987) Cultural Critique, No. 5, Modernity and Modernism, Postmodernity and Postmodernism, pp. 179-207.
Jameson, F. (1990) Postmodernism, or, the cultural logic of late capitalism. 5th edn. London: Verso Books.