Saturday, 1 April 2017

COP2 PRACTICAL - Final Feedback/Images

Final feedback -

After the final print, mock up and contextual photography feedback was collected, this was to see if there was any major issue with the design or any small changes that could be done. This would also allow a wide range of feedback from the target market as well as different views on the campaign. Final feedback would analyses if the consumer felt intended theme/concept was portrayed effectively by the campaign and if the sexual content/themes were used in the correct suitable way fitting with the essay conclusion and to see if the audeince felt sex was used in the appropriate level.

The essay discusses how banned adverts and how using sex in a bad way in advertising can receive negative effect to the brand and the product which can damage their reputation, this feedback will check that this campaign uses sexual content in a way that appeal to the intended audeince to make sure it fits the clients brief and aims without offending. Does the campaign use sexual content to the appropriate ethical level for the target audeince?

To get correct feedback a range of the targeted demographic was asked, to see how the target audience would respond to the final outcomes.

Age 17
Sexual Orientation - Heterosexual
Gender - Male

Age - 16
Sexual Orientation - Heterosexual
Gender - Male

Age - 20
Sexual Orientation - Heterosexual
Gender - Male

Age -19
Sexual Orientation - Homosexual
Gender - Male

Age -22
Sexual Orientation - Homosexual
Gender - Male

Age 20
Sexual Orientation - Bisexual
Gender - Female

Age 24
Sexual Orientation - Heterosexual
Gender - Male

Are the poster/style to girly?
Do they appeal to the younger audeince?
Is the tone reflect fit with the lighthearted and helpful themes?
Do you see these design as sexual inappropriate for the audience or any audience?
Is the language suitable for the age range?
Does the humour make them appeal more the target audience?
Is the sexual content/language relevant?

Any changes?
Where would these be suitable to be shown?
Do you think the gender fluid style and the lack of pronouns make the design styles appeal to a wider audience than just heterosexual males?


Takes away the degrading/offensive imagery whilst still keeps the sexual tone via the text.

Personal style reflect advice, playful, helpful tones instead of scary adverts which works better for a younger audeince.

Makes sex seem less intimating, the friendly nature seem more approachable rather than scary as some of the other adverts do. Fit the age range well of 16-20 well.

Put on condom wrapper

Lighthearted funny theme

Makes me thing

Shows safe sex without taking the fun out sex

Colours work really well together, work as set well

Safey and fun

No, the design aren't too feminine
Could be good for under 16, no offensive, could be good to see and teach underage

The colour scheme and type set the tone of the message,  they express encouragement and advice without being to forcefull or in-your-face

The less serious design makes the serious issue seem less scary, like more helpful

Humour is the best way to appeal to the younger teenage audeince, at this age i would have found that hilarious

Kids don't care enough to take adverts to seriously and sex seriously, so this fits with that mind set

Its important to connect with this audience in a less formal way, at school i ignored everything anyone told me to do but this would had made me think and laugh so i'd have remember it more

Could redraw the logo, make it fit in with the posters, redrawn?

Add coloured semen or more sexual content/illustrations?this fits with the tone and the audience would laugh
They work better than the scare ones durex because i'm gay so the pregnancy ones i'd just ignored

Colour pallet is bright and engaging but could be slightly too feminine for me

It's good they don't use he or she, it makes it more open

Sexual tone is misconstructed yet expressed

The design and humour makes me want to keep the pieces or to show them, on social media or keep the beer matts

Could be offensive to Muslims/Catholics, also don't put them in ireland

Target the intended audience well cause of the style

Condom are used mostly with new partners therefore targeting a younger demographic is effective

review -
Overall the feedback about the campaign was very positive, again issues of the design style being slightly too feminine where discusses but this was only felt by a small proportion of the demographic. Most of the audeince laugh or smiled at the posters which shows how the campaign can use sex is a positive way, The use of sex for the product is vital but this feedback shows that the way it;s used is suitable and appropriate as there was no negative feedback about inappropriate content or language. The style overall was seen as very effective about promoting the brand in a way that didn't scare or exclude any audience range. The sexual theme where still seen and used to appeal to the audeince but in a way that it wasn't see as pedophilic which fits with the essay subject about how sex should be used but not with these themes. In conclusion the removable of sexual imagery has created a campaign that uses sex in a way that is more widely excepted and suitable for the younger audience, the campaign has removed any pedophilic implications or exploitational themes but managed to appeal to a audeince of this age. The use of sex and the sexual content has enhanced the design as it’s allowed the audience to pay more attention and be more intrigued by the campaign in the correct way, sex has been used to an appropriate level.

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