Sunday, 26 March 2017

COP2 PRACTICAL - Study Task 09 - Outcomes

Final Evaluation 

Throughout this project tone of voice has major theme and issue, the research highlight that if sex is used to make it appropriate it must be used in tone that’s positive, if not this a defining feature that cases audeince complains and negative feedback. The current advertisement for the client have humorous or sexually tone but this is undermined by the scare of pregnancy or sexual infection or even sexual disappointment. This brief aimed to promote to a low sexually uneducated audeince as it’s the audience that is in need of the product the most but due to their low age finding the correct tone for the campaign was difficult. The tone that needed to be portray was informative advice yet also humours and sexual, in the correct balance as not to scare the audience of sexual activity totally. The final tone expressed via the hand rendered style expresses a tone which demographic feedback agreed fulfils the intended aims, as to be functional yet communicate with the audeince on a level they can identify with and productive in no encouraging sexual actively but encoring them. The tone is supportive yet not threatening or severe but allows the sexual content and humour of the content be expresses accurately.

The final colour palette of the campaign uses colours which take inspiration for style research and current trends but also represents the theme of sex in association with the themes of love suggested by the pale pink and romance colour scheme. This allowed sexual theme to be associated without the vulgar undertones but rather presented in a soft caring manner. 

Demographic market of the product and client has influenced the final outcomes of this brief extensively, contextual research into which audeince suffered for lack product use made this the main market to appeal to which effect the final outcome drastically. As the campaign doesn’t feature any threats of STI or of pregnancy it’s effective promotion all sexualise that would use the product. As not to offend and to wider the the audeince range the outcome kept to sexually and gender neutral themes, this has benefited the final outcome by not displaying any visual to lounge preference to any sexual orientation this give set a supportive tone to the wider market as well as set the company as very socially aware.

The campaign has been successful applied to a range of different channels and mediums, this shows the versatile of the campaign style and also the future application of the campaign. The campaign expresses sexual content in a way that most audeince wouldn’t find offensive due to the lack of imagery and humours overtones. The final outcomes fits the ideals set by the brief as it uses sex to a level that appropriate to the selected audience but also to a wider indirect audeince without causing offensive/insult. 

Location is a  major feature in the success of this campaign, it has been analyse so the brand is not seen to be promoting it’s self and sexual activity to an underage audeince. The brand it’s self is associated with the promotion of safe sex but still the promotion of sex therefore make sure sex is not adverting to under the legal age shows the brands ethical concerns. Although the brand doesn’t aim to promote sex generally to the younger audience (under 16) this campaign has be designed to target a newly sexual active audeince, this is to inform about safe sex at the younger age and due to the high STI and abortion rate of this age group.

Even thought feedback sated the final campaign isn’t seen visually as to feminine in my opinion parts of the campaign favour feminine design styles due to colour or style, a wider range of more ‘grunge’ designs could be created in this style to appeal to the masculine male audience more. 

In conclusion the removable of sexual imagery has created a campaign that uses sex in a way that is more widely excepted and suitable for the younger audience, the campaign has removed any pedophilic implications or exploitational themes but managed to appeal to a audeince of this age. The use of sex and the sexual content has enhanced the design as it’s allowed the audience to pay more attention and be more intrigued by the campaign in the correct way, sex has been used to an appropriate level. 

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