Monday, 25 April 2016

COP - Practical Work - Study Task 9

Practical Work Ideas Evaluation 

What were your initial aims?

The initial aim of this practical work where to produce work that fitted with the conclusion of the essay that it that print medias role in the Digital age is to work in combination with digital design to produce work of high standard. To create 3 magazine cover as this topic is related to the essay in different way, indie magazine can be created more easily and faster using digital advancement but they relay on print media to produce/advertising them, they are on of the major business keeping print alive in this new age.  These magazine covers would explore the combination of different digital and print media in combination for their covers to see how the style work together and the benefits of both ways of working can be expressed.

What processes/strategies have you used and why?
For the practical work i have create 3 different printed covers, these use digital print, digital design, letter press, screen print and mono print. the processes have ben done to see how they can work together to create a design for the covers but to also allow me to conduct physical research into the downside and benefits of each first hand.

What literature have you read that informs this work?
Print is dead, long live print
Modern Magazine
Print is dead, book in the digital age

Is the work effective (in terms of your aims)? In what ways? How do you know its effective (testing)?
For this brief i know the work is effete as i have asked for feedback on the work, i have asked an audience if they feel using these techniques together has made the design better and they have agreed with the process and said that this style of design has worked better over all .The work is effective as it has allowed me to leaner first hand the benefits and downfall of these medias, allowed me to see which should be used for each part of the process and why. Its created a greater knowledge into these industries and why they relay on each other to succeed, how they can work together for the final outcome to produced work that achieve the best product.

Does it communicate what it should do (in what ways)?
The practical  work communicated the ideas of both style working together via the way its obvious that they have used a combination of styles, it clear from the cover of eye magazine a mono print has been scanned in because of the over all textured look of the cover, the sliver thick ink makes it clear that the gentlewoman cover has used letter press along with the imperfect slightly messy yet detailed print outcome, the screen printed cover takes advantage of the precise, texture and florescent inks available for this technique and uses this to benefit the design outcome to enhance the colour scheme.

What are the successful elements and why?
The main successful element where the screen print and mono print, this ask they could be bent more for this brief where letter press was very inflexible, the final letter press outmode was very different to the intent style due to lack of typefaces, letter and size but the other designs used the print techniques to the best of the ability to produce accurate cover that could be used for the brands.

What areas need improving or developing further and why?
The ares that need improving would be to use a different style of cover for letter press,s the gentlewoman might be to modern for this traditional style of print, a different magazine might be more suitable for this cover. Also use more techniques of print, like foiling or etching could have been used on the cover too, this would have given a different effect to the cover and shown different effect of different print media therefore shown the benefits of all the range of print media combined with digital. Also the digital aspect of the covers could have been enchained by using a gif or a animation for the covers, this would have been a benefit of digital media that could have been explored.

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