For one for the magazine i have selected to print for this brief is the gentle women, this is as the cover is very simple yet dramatic due to the use of bold futura text and overly dramatic photography of the celebrated women. The cover is very simple yet different to the over style i have looked at for this brief, this means that i can use more type of this cover which i can letter press, for the letterpresses cover i needed a magazine where the type was the main focus and wasn't over power by the imagery therefore this cover was selected. To create a cover for this style of magazine first of all i needed to find the grid system and house style they applied to each cover, how they made them fit as a group. To do this i decided to overlap the covers, keeping the text alined over the top of each other would allow me to see the size of the image used and the house style.
Since this brief is not about the designing of the cover but how it could be enhanced by combination medias the style of cover will be kept as similar to the existing style as possible.
main text - futura all lower case, centred alined at the top of the page
imagery - photographical square of the women on the cover
subheading text - futura all lower case, smaller than then title situated under the bottom of the imagery
after apply the first cover the the A4 document i was clear that the cover was not A4, the cover i create will be altered to the correct size
text from other cover over lined but the over imagery/layout doesn't match up, i will test another cover to see if one of these covers was a one of design
again here it was made clear that the imagery and text had not grid for both covers, it differed between issues
Since form the quick research i had done into the grid system of the cover i found that there didn't seem to be a common link or style used for every cover, they use the same basic aspects (text style, imagery style) but the sizing for this features for each issue is different, i found collection of the images alined to see if i could see a line or grid but when closely looked it became clear there was no layout. each cover is changed slightly for the imagery used, its used to highlight the photo and make this the focus without having to crop it too much, therefore i will set the layout for the imagery on my design too.
Kate Nash
Since the gentlewoman modern women of style and purpose. Its fabulous biannual magazine offers a fresh and intelligent perspective on fashion that’s focused on personal style – the way women actually look, think and dress. The cover always displays women who have done or achieve something recently for fashion ect, women who have made a changed without being scared of the consequences and stood up for what they believed in. The women i have chosen for the cover is Kate Nash, a signer, fashion start and feminist that has released albums relating the feminism and women (girls) standing up for them selves. She's a proud supporter of LGBT rights and other moral issues which she protests about frequently therefore a perfect fit for this magazine . She showcases inspirational style through its her distinctive combination of glamour, personality and warmth.
fimage found for the cove, powerful stand like the other style of the magazine, empowering photography
using digital for the design process allowed me to easily aces imagery of a famous personal and apply it to the work, if this was done using printing the photo would have to be taken myself or been copied but this is a benefit of digital that sourced imagery can be used easily.
experimenting with changing the black and white edit, making it darker to fit with the style
using digitalised design software it is efficient to change the grayscale of the imagery, this can be done almost effortlessly where as for a manual print the image would have to be alter and redone which would take al large amount of time and waste
making sure the text lines up and is the same size and the current style so it will fit the branding
Since digital design software can allow you to over lap text and features it mean that i could make sure the text i used was exactly the same as the branding, making sure the branding is exact each time, make sure the house style is kept the same easily.
text changed to fit imagery
subheading text fixed for this issues changed
subheading text for this issue
text int he style of the subhead text, to make it fit with the brandon identity of the magazine but be enhanced by the letter press rather than changed. to see how accurate i can keep the style and how much control i have with the letter press to produce the direct branding
digital design software can easily add more and edit text to fit with other styles, this would have to be redone for each different cover using letter press but can be copied on the digital sofa ere making the deisgn process more efferent meaning the design can be created faster.
experimental work with the background colour scheme,the bright orange hasn't been used before and since very issues is a different odour this might work better but they alternate between bright and flaming colours some times so i tied the same shade but lighter, i found this colour had already been used on a cover so will change thee ensign back to the original.
This is benefit of digital designs the colour would have to be reprint is this wash done manually printing which would have taken time and wasted materials, digital design allows more experimental work with the cover and enchained the over all final produce by making it faster to produce the best final outcome and see different changes easily.
Changing the imagery using this software was very easily and fast, if this was print the imagery being changed would have take a few misprint and a lot longer this is a benefit of digital design that high quietly imagery can be added without losing the quality and it can be experimented with easily.
experimenting with different imagery as this can be easily changed using digital media compare to the long process that would be taken for print
final cover
this is the final cover, the imagery has been picked to match with the current style of the magazine photography using digital media to produce this piece made it faster, gave me more change to experiment and causes less waste then if i was done via manual print. digital software enhance the design process as it give designer faster basically automatic control of the design aspect of the cover, the text has been removed so that letter press can be printed over the blank space, i aim to make the letter press fit with the branding as much as possible.
Digital media enhanced print because it allows the designer to have more control over the final outcome without having to do many different print or test, experimental work can be done easier via this media rather than print. the final outcome therefore printed to fit the aim/purpose better, for example here i could easily create a cover that fitted with this house style without much effort but was accurate and suitable for the outcome.
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