Monday, 4 December 2017

COP3 - Practical - Audience


Target Market- 
16-35 year olds
None Gendered, 
Low disposable income, in the UK, 
Heavy social media presence, 
Will be up to date with pop-culture/social media,
Will watch little TV and read little magazines
Live at home or in their first house 
Care about social presence, don't want to do anything damaging to future job prospects

Current brand audience - 'The Yorkshire Tea audience is incredibly broad but with a core consumer profile of 35+ adults, split evenly between males and females. They range from a core group of 35-54 year olds who make up a large percentage of the mainstream tea market, through to 55+ who are strong brand advocates and have always drunk Yorkshire Tea. ' via Yorkshire Tea

Aim - 'Mainstream tea is not as dominant within the 18-35 year old age group, which is something that we're very keen to change. When coming up with ideas, make sure that you put the younger audience at the heart of the product.' via Yorkshire Tea

Yorkshire Tea as a brand advertise they want to appeal to a younger audience, they aim to appeal to 18-35 year which fits with research as this is main percentage of social media users this platform targets the brand intended audience precisely.  


'MILLENNIALS ARE, LIKE, so 2000-and-late. Marketers now hope to sell stuff to kids born after 1995—so-called Generation Z. And this latest demographic designation is just as removed and reductive as any other. This is how marketing firm FutureCast puts it: “They view their identity as a curated composition.” (So ... selfies are a thing!) “All it takes to change their outward identity is a simple swipe and an upload to Instagram.” (Swipe to upload?!) But fine, we’ll play along. After rigorous review of marketing reports and press coverage, here’s a portrait of your new sales target: the screen-swapping, painstakingly curated, social-good-performing Gen Zer (as imagined by Gen Xers). 
Considers Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games a role model 
Ranks Lorde as a favorite artist 
Uses Facebook as an “information hub” rather than an “engagement platform” 
Knows someone who uses gender-neutral pronouns 
Employs five screens 
Prefers YouTube influencers to Hollywood celebs 
Loves Snapchat and can’t live without YouTube 
Deletes Instagram photos to optimize likes-per-photo ratio 
Checks social media 100 times per day'

-cares about social media likes (photos need to improves these, seem cool not old fashioned)
-checks social media largely/daily (keeps up to date, will know if it backlash)
-interacts more with snapchat and Instagram then Facebook (make the focus Snapchat and Instagram then Facebook)
-works over different screens, eg phones, laptop, ipads (outcome will have to apply to all screens)

-less engaged in politics
-short attention spans
-interested in technology over school

“Generation Z takes in information instantaneously,” she said, “and loses interest just as fast.” That point is not lost on marketers. In an era of emoji and six-second Vine videos, “we tell our advertising partners that if they don’t communicate in five words and a big picture, they will not reach this generation,” said Dan Schawbel, the managing partner of Millennial Branding, a New York consultancy.
-links to essay discussions

' If integrating with the channel is vital to the success of the campaign, what aspects of social media have changed the theory of advertising for this medium and what changes need to be supplemented into the adverts to work on this medium? Matthew Garrahan discussed this area, exploring how the new platform has effect the way consumer interact with the advertising content. 'The emergence of new digital platforms and services means brands must also rethink the way they sell their products. For example, Instagram and Snapchat have different audiences and require shorter, punchier ads compared with traditional 30 second TV spots' (Garrahan, 2016) Garrahan explains that as the consumer engagement with adverts has changed that adverts needs to reflect this, they needs to be faster, easier to understand and rememberable to work on this platform.' 


'But the difference between generations goes much deeper than choosing Snapchat over Facebook.'


'“Young people feel much more emboldened to express their own sense of style rather than mimicking a peer-accepted uniform or dress code compared to previous generations,” said Rob Callender, the company’s director of youth insights. “In short, there’s a strong ‘you do you’ ethos among teens today.” “This group seem much less attached to traditional gender binaries or linear definitions of sexuality,” said Lucie Greene, a trend forecaster at J. Walter Thompson, the advertising giant. “It’s all about individualism and the right to be whatever you want.”'

-links to the idea of staying genderless, do not conform or support traditional genders therefore must ignore these
-less conformist then other gender, more unqiue
-more open minded

• Wealth and equality continues to trend higher as important.
 • Interest in political affairs continues to decline.
• Decreased involvement in institutional affiliation.
• Increased networking on a peer-to-peer level.
• Optimism about the future continues despite social distrust.

Ofcom reported that -''Some of the older participants in the qualitative research are concerned about the impact of sharing content on their reputation among friends and family, and some of the younger people about the impact on future job prospects.'' Therefore this means that to meet the intended market the outcome will have to take no offensive, or damaging nature so the users can safely apply it to their profiles . 

'Generation Z is the first cohort that, engaging and interacting with screens, doesn’t think of a living room TV as the go-to place for news and entertainment. Older generations had must see TV; Generation Z has must-see viral videos, shared through social media. For broadcasters, advertising firms and advertising clients, connecting with Generation Z means perfecting messages in eight seconds, finding ways to differentiate content for a hyper-paced social media sphere and engaging in a way that’s educational and entertaining. It means connecting with Gen Zers where they are: online.'


When it comes to diet, Generation Z relies heavily on family and friends for information, and also for preferences and habits. They are influenced by what they see older generations doing and tend to parrot many of their healthier-choice habits. 




Overall Considerations

-cares about social media likes (photos need to improves these, seem cool not old fashioned)
-checks social media largely/daily (keeps up to date, will know if it backlash)
-interacts more with snapchat and Instagram then Facebook (make the focus Snapchat and Instagram then Facebook) make it more visually based 
-works over different screens, eg phones, laptop, ipads (outcome will have to apply to all screens)
-less engaged in politics, do not make it political 
-interested in technology over school, make it very social based, work without need 
- genderless, do not conform or support traditional genders therefore must ignore these, stay away from gender
-more open minded, make sure no offensive to everyone  
-has short attention span, make fast ads
-engagement is their focus, they care about this. this how to connect with them 
-they like ads, if done well (will engage if it's good)
-visually based market
-care about their social look, outcome will have to take no offensive, or damaging nature so the users can safely apply it to their profiles . 

Demographic Examples

Case Studies

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