Friday, 22 December 2017

COP3 - Research - Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian

'He explained that since Kim has the most Instagram followers with over 95 million, she gets the biggest pay check with up to $500,000 per campaign. While Khloe and Kourtney, who have 64.3 million and 54.5 million followers respectively, earn about $250,00 per sponsored post.'

'Michael Heller, CEO of digital marketing firm Talent Resources – the same firm that arranges most of the family’s deals and endorsements – told Us Weekly that some companies have been known to pay up Kim up to $500,000 to share branded posts with her 95.1 million followers. According to Heller, Kim’s sisters Khloe (64.3 million followers) and Kourtney (54.5 million followers) can earn up to $250,000 per ad on Instagram.'
'Kardashian-West is one of a new generation of celebrities responsible for directly encouraging our use of social media – she interacts with us online, makes unthinkable amounts of money from sponsored posts and prides herself on giving fans unfiltered access to her personal life. In return, many of us do the same.'
'When considering a social media marketing program on a platform like Instagram or Twitter, it’s important to understand each platform’s policies and how it can work with your brand or company. The power of instantaneous promotion through social media is undeniable; this direct-to-consumer advertising is rapidly growing among businesses. The situation with Duchesnay and Kim Kardashian was certainly very specific, especially in a highly regulated industry such as big pharma, but the overall lessons are the same.'

'No matter how you feel about the Kardashians, you cannot deny that they are excellent influencers and has successfully defined their brand.

'Kardashian West, and her fellow siblings, are both fashion and cultural icons. From Kardashian West’s social media success alone its easy to see that she has spent time getting to know her audience and strategically determined how to engage them. Kim knows her audience and proves it through Instagram – showcasing her glamours life as well as family, fashion shoots and advocacy for products. Simply put, Kardashian West’s demographic of avid fans can be categorised as females between 15 and 30 of age and fashion entusiasts captivated by the sensationalism that embodies her persona. Having a global following of 85 million Instagram-followers (Oct. 2016) makes Kardashian West one of the rare mega influencers. Perhaps the most far-reaching and famous of them all.'

If you ask a marketer what the 3 most important aspects they look for in an influencer, you’ll most likely hear:
1. Content and how it matches up with the marketers brand
2. Influencer demographic (age/gender/geo)
3. ‘Influential power’, meaning influencers presence on social media and how strong the engagement is from their followers
Kardashian West makes the most out of all 3, where the products she sells are related to her lifestyle and clearly showcased on her Instagram account. Her demographic fits perfectly with a female audience interested in purchasing beauty products, fashion magazines or popular celebrity merchandise. Finally, the amount of followers and engagement from her audience makes her ‘influential power’ immense and highly attractive for marketers.

'nfluencer marketing is all about people. This makes communication, flexibility and creativity critical for building a successful influencer campaign. The obvious advantage of using Kardashian West is the ability for businesses to market their product through her popular brand and high-quality content, which is tailor-made for her audience. Balancing the relationship between marketers and influencers is essential when moving forward with influencer marketing. It’s important to remember that this is a collaborative effort, meaning both the marketer and the influencer share the risk, failure and success – making them equally responsible.'

'The New York Times deemed Kim Kardashian's hair makeover newsworthy, and now she's been named one of the 30 Most Influential People on the Internet, according to Time magazine.

She may tout millions of fans in real life, but Kardashian, 34, truly stands out on Instagram. There, she has perfected the art of the selfie: some with famous friends, some in luxurious bathrooms, and all to the delight of her 27 million followers. Long a performer in a reality TV show produced and edited by others, Kardashian also deftly uses Twitter to define and defend her own narrative (“Her eyes were closed and I was feeling my look! Can I live?!?” she sniped after being criticized for cropping her daughter out of a selfie), and of course to promote her various business ventures.


'In July Kim was forced by the FDA to take down an Instagram post promoting Duchesnay’s morning sickness pill, Diclegis.
“OMG. Have you heard about this? As you guys know my #morningsickness has been pretty bad,” she wrote for the photo's caption.
The FDA wrote a letter to the pharmaceutical company’s executive vice president Eric Gervais in early August. “The Office of Prescription Drug Promotion…has reviewed the Kim Kardashian Social Media Post,” the letter read. "The social media post is false or misleading in that it presents efficacy claims for DICLEGIS, but fails to communicate any risk information."



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