Thursday, 28 December 2017

COP3 - Practical - Yorkshire to the Tea

Yorkshire to the Tea



The campaign conversation is based around the audience submitting what they see as 'typically yorkshire',  story of what sums up Yorkshire culture. The prompt will give the audience a way to label this, physically via print and packaging or social via social media stickers and filters.

The idea is built around creating a social media sticker or filter, then producing this physically, this is so the audience can apply it to real life as well as on the social sites. It takes a popular social media trend, then applies it to the physical world.

The brands provokes the audience produce content via the prompts and shared this over social media, but also this content will then form to TV ad campaign.  The TV campaign will be taken from the most popular or funniest Typically Yorkshire story.

The hashtags takes advantage of a common slang term, '...... to a T' with means something summed up. But also links this to the brand, as the brand is a TEA company, creating a play on words. As the hashtag includes Yorkshire and Tea, the brands name is then spread around the internet without directly being obviously been recognised as a commercial ad campaign (Dumenco,  'Brand and their commercial agendas are rejected from this dialogue) .

As the concept is designed around making a social media filter physical, these are the design aspect that will be created.  The filters will be added to the imagery content the consumer produce,  this needs to reflect the brands identity clearly to share the brand every time the content is shared. The aim is to raise awareness, this is done by showing the brand to a larger audience.

It's vital the filters/sticker fit with the brands style and represent the brand so the users share the brand when they share the content as to raise brand awareness/meet a larger audience.  

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