As discussed in the essay this company have a wide range of banned or seen as overly sexual adverts, this has been widely discussed in media for the last 10 years. The essay discussed how the adverts are banned as they show subject of a younger, or school girl age or even in school girl uniform, which makes the audience feel un-easy/awkward or have pedophilic undertones which is what gains the ads the negative responses. The age of the subject placed in the sexual situation in the ads are seen as negative for most views, which therefore applied a negative view on the company as a whole.
The major issue and negative feedback american apparel advertising surround the issues of
content - the sexual imagery not relating to the product that is being advertised
age of models/portrayed age of models - the models are displayed as very young, seeing this agg group in sexual situation link to pedophilic undertones
age of consumer - the target audience of american apparel is young adults, 15-26, using sex to appeal to the 16/17/18 year old is seen as inappropriate
tone of voice - the tone of voice of most of the adverts are not empowering or positive, the subject seem to be taken advatange of.
-seems like the subject is unaware of the photo being taken
-sexual imagery that has no link to the product being advertised
-sexual imagery that has no link to the product being advertised
-very young model, no makeup ect
-sexual imagery that has no link to the product being advertised
-sexual imagery that has no link to the product being advertised
- portrays school girl/teacher themes
drag adverts -
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