Thursday, 26 January 2017

COP2 PRACTICAL- Idea 1, Client - Marc Jacobs, Daisy

Client - Marc Jacobs, Daisy

The perfume client idea for this brief is Marc Jacobs female perfume adverts where highlighted in the  research for the essay as the most sexual appropriate . It was the female perfume adverts which second purchases reduced due to sexual advertising therefore this is the market where this issue is most relevant, and the market which has the issue aiming to be solved by the outcome. 

Marc Jacobs's new Daisy fragrance is advertised by the brand as happy and youthful and sophisticated but not too serious, a first expensive perfume.  The aim of the product is to bring more younger consumers into the Marc Jacobs fandom, the age range is seen to be 16-24.  The product is seen and displayed as cute due to this, this is seen thought the package adverts and display of the product range. As the age range is lower and tone of voice is product is seen more as cute than sexy this makes product unsuitable for sexual advertising yet the adverts still have sexual desire undertones, (kissing girl in the ads, naked imagery /hardly dressed models, sexual themes). 

Product Packaging -


As the sexual aspect of the adverts doesn't fit with the target audeince, tone or market of the product this makes the it a very suitable client for this brief. This brief would be to create a more visual advert that sold the product whilst appeaingl to the target audeince is away that would encourage purchase whilst also not setting up unrealistic expectations.

A major theme in the essay is that sex is used to grab attention but the use has to fit within guidelines, adverting can use sex very effectively but what makes it ethical is make sure it fit within a range of factors. The essay concluded these factors are - 
if the client wouldn't receive negative backlash due to sexual connotations, 
if the product has relative sexual content, 
if the audience and subject in the adverts are of an appropriate to be sexualizes/exposed to sexual tone,
if the imagery isn't see to taking advantange or exploiting anyone
if the imagery is seen as positive
it's location, it's made sure it's not see by a audience of an unsuitable age/in an unsuitable place

This outcome will be an advertisement for this perfume that sold of the visual look of the bottle in-combination with the unique smell in a way thats more suitble for the client/product/tone/audience. 

issue- even thought the adverts do have sexual tones it's no sexually inappropriate or offensive imagery, the only issue is the target audience and the content relevance and there are perfume advert that do this is a much more extreme way, would these be more suitable.

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