Tuesday, 24 January 2017

COP2 PRACTICAL- Durex Tv Adverts

Durex Tv Adverts

As discussed earlier and in the essay body Durex use to main different way to advertise their products using different styles. A wide area of durex poster advertisements have be analyse visually earlier but there tv and moving picture ad follow different content and subject.This could inform idea 2 and how to create a sexual TV appropriate adverts.

The market for these adverts are women,  about making how the product enhances sexual experince. One takes the form of a informative ad with serious almost medical tones where as the other uses sexual imagery and content to express the pleasure. One sell by expressing and issue and presententing that product as the solution where as the other uses art/imagery to express the enhanced experience.   These different ways to promote a sexual product using imagery that is suitable for a range of audeince.

Durex Intense Orgasmic Gel


-no sexual imagery, replaced with art/surround decoration to represent the experince 

Durex Intense Mission

-humours tone
-set to help audience
-expresses unfair

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