Friday, 13 January 2017

COP2 PRACTICAL- Idea 3, Client Research, Durex


For this idea the client that has been chosen is Durex, this is due to their mention across the essay and contextual research, as well due to their range of different advertising campaigns. Durex have produced adverts that fit with both the style of condom advertising mentioned in the essay, by sexualizing it in certain adverts but also using scarye tactics in some. They also adverts across a range in different mediums, poster or videos or viral videos.  As the client have a used both ranges of style this shows their open-ness to exploring different ways of selling their products, therefore would be open to explore this typographical style of advertising.

Durex is one of the biggest condom seller in the UK and Europe, therefore fits with the idea that the of giving content to the adverts via association with the brand. The advertising idea aims to show slightly or non sexual language but then apply appropriate sexual context via brand knowledge, this will be done by using a client indentity (logo/branding) on in the adverts to set the tone and so the audience will directly recognize the piece as advertisements condom will allow this interpretation to be more direct and obvious. The more popular the brand is the more likely the audience will be able to recognize the subject of the advert, but to make sure the content is express sexual language/link will be implied via the text. 

Existing Poster Campaigns -

 scares audience by comparing the no using a condom to having a baby

Humorous is a big part of their promotional work, as a brand Durex don't take themselves too serious and keep a humorous, lighthearted tone of voice to balance out the dark scare tactic used in their posters. Their aim is to try to make a joke of the serious danger issues discusses or as their topic by including aspect of humour, this is as to not appear to scary/negative impression of the brand. Humour is added via the design style, the poster and the humours advert all are in the style of cartoon/illustration to add a lighted tone to the advert, real human imager is avoid in their posters.


 scares audience by comparing the price of a condom to price involved with having a baby

The poster ads are relatively simple design and layout wise, they suitability hint at the downfall/possibility of not using a condom but don't directly express using text this to the audience, rather hint and make it obvious via the inclusion of the brands logo. Most of the poster adverts try to stay away from any sexual imagery, and instead stick to either obvious type explaining the product, product imagery or use imagery to depict the downfalls/cost of pregnancy.

The adverts target males primary, these is since via the blue colour scheme and very overly simple design style, this is done as males are the primary audience for the brand. The adverts are direct yet relay on the audience to use their mind/make them think to work out the content, Durex imply themes without directly stating them, this is to not appear vulgar and to be sexual appropriate for a wider viewer range.



uses relation to pop culture reference or to event happing at the time, relates to real word event to promote their brand, heavy use of humour.

The brand use links to current event and pop-culture reference in their advertising,  show they keep up with current trends and want to bee seen as relevant company.  They also use event for their benefit take advantage of any innuendos or jokes they can make around a subject to make the audience laugh, yet this still includes themes of pregnancy and STI's.

In all these posters durex stick to the main 2 of condom advertising ways discussed in the essay, scary or sexual but these hardly mix. Also the brand relay heavy on brand association, some of their poster don't explain what they sell but relay on the audience already be associated with the brand but promoting the use. It's more about promoting the use rather than the brand.

 scares audience by comparing the no using a condom to catch a sexual disease

promotes the new flavour condoms as tasting good, make it a nice thing to use

shows open to any sexual orientation or anyone,  shows the brand are very LGBT open

Durex aim to promote their brand and product to anyone who could use or buy a condom. They avoid excluding any sexual orientation, this is seen via the range of adverts around LGBT, drag, queer and transgender promotion, expressing they brand don't discriminate or 'care; what the user get up to as long as they are safe.  It's important the brand they don't discriminate against anyone. 

video adverts -

In general the video advert are the one which include the more sexualized themes/imagery, the advert often depict the people enjoying the product or around the experience, how it's enhanced by the product. The video ad try to sexualise the experience more, visually show the benefits of the product where as the poster adverts aim to make a lasting impression via scare or humour or a combination. This is as the poster adds are more likey to be seen  quickly, so need to grab the audience attention and express the message within a few seconds.

target audience- 16+ mostly males, any sexual orientation
common features-makes the audience think, not sexual imagery included on the poster, hint of sexual theme, use scary tactics, humorous,  use of cartoons/illustration.
branding- logo seen on all the advertising, colour scheme used on some adverts
tone of voice- lighthearted, sexual, scary, humorous


The major issue with the scare tactics form of advertised used heavily by this client is that for a younger audience this could put them of sex altogether. The scary aspect could be seen as too serious and dangerous so experimenting with ways to inform yet not scary, give advice rather than scare.

The adverts could send the audience into panic rather than comfort or advice due to the harsh design style.

The brands choices of the blue colour scheme and harsh text automatically set the gender of the adverts, this excludes women completely.

The poster also seem also to be very advertised at heterosexual males as the link to pregnancy, this would not worry a homosexual male therefore this audience is unaffected by this style of adverts.

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