Saturday 13 January 2018

COP3 - Practical - Tea Test Packaging

Tea Test Packaging

Now the test prompt has been created, distribution channels need to be considered. How can the audience access the prompt?

The essay concludes that social media advertising works best along side other form of traditional advertising,  due to this the campaign needs to cross platforms.  The campaign now need to applied around the rang of channels,  whilst taking advantage and integrating into each platform.


As the essay studies, traditional advertising takes a more passive story telling approach, the adverts for this media need to follow this. Also social media adverts invite the consumer into the conversation, and this theory needs to be followed for this media. 

Packaging Campaign

This should be a way to give the consumer the prompt physically, therefor should be included in the the Yorkshire tea box or input onto the box. If the design is applied onto the box this will causes issues as when removed will leave a hole in the box, which the tea bags will follow out of, thus this idea is not practical. The prompt needs to be added into the box, as not to ruin the functionality of the packaging.


considerations -
needs to fit in box, size wise.
need to hard/strong incase tea leaks, shiny/satin finish will achieve this


The prompt could be added on it's own to the box, but this could get lost. Also this media focuses on targeting the older audience, as they are the ones that will buy the tea bags rather than the teenage social media target market. Due to the increase in age, and lack of social media knowledge this audience will need slightly more explanation. The current prompt design doesn't included any instruction for the social media aspect, but the packaging of this give chance for this to be explained more. 

size -

-where to
-what to do

Stick to brand colour scheme and imagery

background to overly powerful, needs a break.
cant use the background image as will fit in with card

Yorkshire tea use a red strip on everything, test this

layout tests

red strip works best, fits with brand and is not overly powerful when combined with card imagery

text unclear with background

balance is off, too top heavy

does include instructions for new market, needs these  

does the logo need to be bigger?? or is it fine because it's on the card??

does different colour text draw more attention to hashtag and handle? no

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