This will form the same theory and idea of traditional advertising discussed in the essay 'passive one way conversations' so this media needs to convey a one way message towards the audience. In the case of this campaign the message should be to take part in the campaign by judging peoples tea with the chart and then sharing this on social media.
For the print advertising medium, the advert either need to
raise awareness about the campaign,
give the prompt,
encourage people to do it/remind them
express the campaign to a different audiences
fit with current style? or new style?
stick to branding or create a new advert?
show the audience what to do? or tell then where to do it?
give them the prompt?
-where to
-what to do
Research into cross media campaigns feedback that the concept needs to be the same but the content needs to be developed for the different media. NEEDS TO EXPRESS ONE MESSAGE, BE CLEAR IT'S ONE CAMPAIGN AND ONE ADVERT. . Even though it's a different channel therefor different audience if the message gets confused or mix messaged are expressed this can reflect negatively on the brand, seems unprofessional and also confuse the audience. Due to this research, the print aspect of the campaign needs to follow similar aspects to the packaging and prompt design. Include the same brand aspects, type and elements but the layout will be altered for the new media.
One benefit of this media, which is used heavily by the perfume and make up industry is the ability to give the vouchers or small physical samples of the product via magazines. The audience receives the magazine physically so it can transport physical items, if they fit in the pages.
integrating into the medium
-This campaign could take advantage of this medium by giving the audience a copy of the prompt. As magazines have double sided pages, the prompt can be printed so they can either pull out or cut out the prompt.
-Magazines are an advertising medium that usually only targets one consumer per print, therefore the audience can each receive a copy.
-As the magazine is physically, it can be used to physically transport the prompt. The same way perfume advert give the audience samples via this medium.
The magazine can be used to give out the physical prompt to a larger audience, the poster needs to be designed around this combined with current styles.
Development -
apply rest of the elements to keep consistent
Is the background too much design wise, no focal point?
Is the background to image heavy?
Does it distract from the prompt image?
Does the background tie it to the brand better?
Poster aims to look like box, image background mirrors this better
Does the print effect it?
(the background image is pixelated slightly)
Which do you prefer?
no background image - 4
background - 6
'the background image is pixelated but it fits with the style of image, like the oil painting texture so it's not bad'
'i like the background one best'
'the background one summed up the brand the best'
'the background looks most like the packaging'
' the white looks god but not finished? maybe make it slightly off white?'
'i like both'
'the text stands out more on the background one, due to the shadow'
'white fits better with the prompt packaging'
Overall it was feedback the background image posters most effective represented the brand (which it vital to the success of the campaign) and the audience preferred this outcome when compared, therefor this is the magazine print page that will be used.
The magazine design works as it targets a singular audience but also is double sides, this is not possible for the poster campaign. Instead the poster needs to advertise the social stickers, or the tea boxes with them in, passively tell the audience how to join it via the one way medium. It has to do this whilst following the same concept and style as the current design, this to fit with the essay idea of representing the same message.
-needs to be readable for far away
-needs to tell the audience where to access the prompt
-needs to explain the campaign
-needs to fit with current style and message
-needs to work over different stictaions
-needs to reflects brand styles
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