Monday 1 January 2018

COP3 - Research - Facebook Targeted Ads

Facebook Targeted Ads


DIRECT FROM FACEBOOK 'While more than a hundred companies already serve interest-based advertising on websites and apps today, we offer a better experience because we care about the integrity of Facebook ads.'

'Your ad preferences also help us show you better ads on and off Facebook. If you have an account, you can edit your ad preferences to tell us if you want to see ads based on specific interests, like travel or television.'

'Our advertising products let businesses and organisations connect with the people who are most likely to be interested in their products and services. We believe the ads you see across the Facebook family of apps and services should be useful and relevant to you.'

'Advertisers define who they want to reach based on factors such as interests, age, location and more.'

'Facebook ads work because they’re personal, relevant and easy to measure on both desktop and mobile.'

Facebook’s ad targeting options are unparalleled. On Facebook, you can target users by:
Relationship Status 

‘The personalisation and precision of these new ads are changing the nature of advertising. It’s no longer about entertaining, delighting or making a personal connection; it’s about precision targeting.’

‘Facebook dynamic ads automatically promote products to people who have expressed interest on your website, in your app or elsewhere on the Internet.’
‘Show people products that are tailored to their interests, whether or not they've been to your site or used your app.’

-lets you chose and audience, a goal and budget 

'Facebook dynamic ads automatically promote products to people who have expressed interest on your website, in your app or elsewhere on the Internet. Simply upload your product catalogue and set up your campaign one time, and it will continue working for you for as long as you want –finding the right people for each product and always using up-to-date pricing and availability.'

'Automatically promote the most relevant items from your product catalogue for real business results.'

We can automatically reach a huge audience with personalised recommendations from our catalogue of more than seven million products. With dynamic ads, we are beating our customer acquisition efficiency target by more than 20% at a scale that is meaningful to our business. Jess Jacobs Director of Marketing, Wayfair

'Facebook is now using your Facebook ad preferences -- your information, interests and browsing history -- to show you targeted ads both on and off of Facebook.'


Facebook Insights is a pretty powerful tool for those wanting to track user interaction on their Facebook Fan Page. Facebook Insights can be seen by all the admins of your page and it can help you track the number of active users to better understand page performance. By using Facebook Insights you’ll be able to determine the best time of day to post, the best day of the week to post and what type of content is most popular. It is important to note that the Facebook Insights tool is constantly updated to reflect your page’s developments and any patterns that may form. So you’ll need to keep checking back to keep in the loop.

It’s all very good and well that you have a Facebook fan page, but how much of your content is actually reaching your fans? Who is talking about your page? Are any of your fans referring your page to others or sharing your images with their friends? This section helps you see your page views and unique visitor views (those who searched for you as opposed to clicking on the Facebook ad). You’ll also be able to see your reach in terms of organic searches, paid and viral searches.

The Talking About 
This section can also provide valuable data about who is talking about your page – this includes demographics and percentages of people in different age groups.

'Facebook Insights has helped us determine the tastes and interests of our customer demographics'. Chad Huggins, Owner, The Social Route


'With so many different data-points available to measure — such as Likes, engagement, reach, and demographics — Insights will help you to understand how your content is resonating with your audience, how your Page is growing and provide you with an awesome overview of how your Facebook strategy is performing'

Overview: How your Page is doing
Likes: Where your Page Likes came from
Reach: What’s your reach and what factors affect it
Page Views: Who viewed which section of your Page
Actions on Page: What people did on your Page
Posts: How well your posts are performing
Events: How successful your event pages are
Videos: How well your videos are performing
People: Who liked, saw, or engaged with your Page
Messages: Response times and Messenger analyticsOthers (Promotions, Branded Content, and Local)


Essentially, the difference between paid search and paid social can be reduced and simplified to a single truism: paid search helps prospective customers find your business, while paid social helps your business find prospective customers. Facebook advertising does this by allowing you to target specific audiences that are likely to be interested in your products and services by leveraging the immense wealth of data Facebook has about its users.

the process of providing Facebook with a profile of your ideal audience so Facebook only displays your ads to people who exhibit the behaviors and belong to the demographics you’re interested in.

Next, you create the ads you want to run. Facebook ads are highly visual and align with the ways in which people use Facebook,

Facebook has a global audience of approximately 1.5 BILLION people – around one-fifth of the entire planet’s population, give or take a few hundred million. Understandably, this statistic is one of the most popular among Facebook advertising evangelists, and for good reason.

As Facebook’s user base continues to grow, the larger the potential audiences advertisers can target based on demographics, personal interests, purchasing behavior, life events, and thousands of other criteria that can improve the ROI of a Facebook advertising campaign. The second reason Facebook’s growth trajectory is so important is that, whether you use Facebook personally or not, the platform continues to align strongly with changing media consumption habits and the adoption of consumer technology such as mobile devices. According to data from Facebook’s Q3 2015 earnings report, the number of daily active users accessing the site via mobile devices was 893 million during September of last year, a year-over-year increase of 27%.

Fortunately, Facebook is one of the most cost-effective advertising platforms available. However, with so many ad formats available, the question of ROI depends greatly on the ad format in question. 

The figure below, based on WordStream data, shows that the average cost-per-click of Facebook ads is $1.72 - a remarkably low CPC considering how effective Facebook ads can be:

The average conversion rate for Facebook ads across all industries is 9.21%.

'In a 2014 study conducted by Neustar, social media advertising was found to be the most effective form of online paid advertising for increasing impressions, clicks and conversions at a low cost. As the popularity of social media advertising has increased, it is understood that most businesses now allocate around 28% of their marketing budget to social media advertising.'

'Definition: The conversion rate is the percentage of users who take a desired action. The archetypical example of conversion rate is the percentage of website visitors who buy something on the site.'

'Which would you rather have: Ads that are properly targeted based on your likes, activities, and location, which might lead you to click and buy, or more of a hands-off approach? Facebook is all about relevancy, and it wants to serve ads that are relevant to users'

'If an ad is not properly targeted (such as the ads based on things my friends like), users complain. If an ad is too targeted (such as if I just spent some time looking at appliances at, and then all of a sudden, I see a Target ad), users complain.'

The work has raised concerns among some in academia. Gillian Bolsover, who studies online manipulation of political opinion at the Oxford Internet Institute, said she was concerned about whose hands publicity of the research might play into. “Does coverage of the work primarily serve as an advert to the companies that might do these things? Or does it serve to inform the public about something going on in our society that we might not be happy with and want do something about?” she said. “If people are worried about the way technology is going, there are lots of little actions they can take to reduce the amount of data that is collected about them and to avoid supporting the practices and companies that they might feel are detrimental to society.”'

-changes colours due to audience

'As personalization takes different forms, it's possible to imagine that within a few years every digital ad served will be personalized in one form or another. Personalization is currently actioned in two ways: 1. Explicit intent – e.g. when a person uses search, email and price comparison sites. 2. Implicit intent – e.g. contextually relevant ads relating to content a person reads, or info they've provided in a social network.'

The personalisation and precision of these new ads are changing the nature of advertising. It’s no longer about entertaining, delighting or making a personal connection; it’s about precision targeting.

'One way to create engaging and trustworthy advertising is by showing an interest in what customers already care about, which is helped by knowing as much about them as possible. However, if users find precisely targeted ads creepy or feel unable to trust the devices in their homes and on their bodies, they may push back against marketers that deploy them. That would force ad makers to look once again to content that works alongside the media it funds.'

‘The personalisation and precision of these new ads are changing the nature of advertising. It’s no longer about entertaining, delighting or making a personal connection; it’s about precision targeting.’ 

‘Facebook dynamic ads automatically promote products to people who have expressed interest on your website, in your app or elsewhere on the Internet.’
‘Show people products that are tailored to their interests, whether or not they've been to your site or used your app.’ 

-lets you chose and audience, a goal and budget examples

-changes colours due to audience 
As personalization takes different forms, it's possible to imagine that within a few years every digital ad served will be personalized in one form or another. Personalization is currently actioned in two ways:
1. Explicit intent – e.g. when a person uses search, email and price comparison sites.
2. Implicit intent – e.g. contextually relevant ads relating to content a person reads, or info they've provided in a social network. 

'if users find precisely targeted ads creepy or feel unable to trust the devices in their homes and on their bodies, they may push back against marketers that deploy them. That would force ad makers to look once again to content that works alongside the media it funds.’
'Social media is potentially the quickest, cheapest and simplest form of advertising available. Creating blog posts provides potential customers with content which can be shared across social media. This form of marketing has been proven to be effective in search engine optimisation. Research has found that 60% of businesses who blog gain more customers.’

'Facebook's not alone in this type of targeting, however. Business-focused social networking site LinkedIn has added the ability to target ads based on job titles, company name and group level, features that the company says have resulted in three to four times more clicks than standard ads during initial testing. Meanwhile, research firm eMarketer predicts that Twitter will bring in $150 million in revenue this year, driven largely by the Promoted Tweets and Promoted Trends ads that the company introduced last year. And this happens automatically -- any time you interact with a brand on Facebook, your action could be used as an ad that entices your friends to do the same. For the moment, there's also no way to opt yourself out of being featured. But it seems all but inevitable that personalization is here to stay and is only going to get more intimate. Sure, a small percentage of internet users may use tools that opt them out (if such options even become available in meaningful ways), but the vast majority will continue shopping, browsing and "liking" things on the Web without a second thought. '

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